News ā Decal
HELP US HELP YOU, please. VIN label order
Posted by Elena KavaliauskienÄ on
HELP US HELP YOU, please VIN label order We want to ensure your replacement labels arrives according to schedule, please use our guidelines when submitting an order. Blurriness - we get it, it happens. First, make sure your camera settings are set to a high resolution. Then, for stabilization, we recommend resting your elbow on something. Visibility - to ensure our reproduction is as accurate as possible we need all of the information. We like to use this basic rule, make sure all 4 corners are visible in the photo. *If we have any questions about the label we will contact you to...
5 smart ways to apply and remove car decals
Posted by Kazys Kavaliauskas on
Five-step process to remove car decals Car care professionals will often encounter old decals and areas where decals used to be. Below are the steps for safe and effective removal of old decals. Clean the decal or sticker and the area surrounding it. To clean the decals or stickers, you can use soapy water and a cleaning cloth. Clean the area around the decal or sticker properly where you want to remove so that no grit or grime interferes with decalās adhesive-busting ability. Warm it up. To remove the decal or sticker, heat it with a hair dryer. It will help...